
EUCAM Civil Society Fellowship Programme (completed)

The EUCAM-Civil Society Fellowship Programme (FP) is a continuation of the earlier EUCAM Strategy Fellowship (SF) project. In the programme we host three groups of each three fellows for periods of 12 weeks at the CESS office in Groningen. The fellows are young nationals from Central Asian states that work in civil society. they will have the opportunity to strengthen their research, writing, debating, outreach and training skills while learning about EU foreign policy. In this programme, EUCAM closely liaises with the European Neighbourhood Council (ENC) in Brussels. The fellowship programme is funded by the Open Society Foundations with additional support of the European Endowment for Democracy. Within the framework of this project, EUCAM also offered a 3-month online writing and outreach course to Central Asian civil society representatives.

EUCAM-SF (completed)

With the support of the Open Society Foundation, EUCAM is now extending its work to offering fellowships. The EUCAM-Strategy Fellowship (SF) project will host three groups of each three fellows for periods of 12 weeks at the CESS office in Groningen. The fellows are young nationals from Central Asian states that work in academia or civil society. they will have the opportunity to strengthen their research, writing, debating, outreach and training skills while learning about EU foreign policy. Meanwhile EUCAM also plans to deliver input for the planned renewal of the EU Strategy for Central Asia by 2019 through innovative research and active outreach activities. In this project EUCAM will closely liaise with the European Neighbourhood Council (ENC) in Brussels; and the Central Asia Program (CAP) at the George Washington University.


EUCAM III (completed)

With the support of the Open Society Foundations the EUCAM initiative was revived and made fully operational again as part of the Centre for European Security Studies. Next to updating the EUCAM website, database, management structures, etc. this project also foresaw in several publications and events.

EUCAM-EP (completed)

EUCAM prepared three extensive reports for the European Parliament (EP). The first was on the impact of the 2014 ISAF Forces’ withdrawal from Afghanistan on the Central Asian region (2013) that was presented at a high-level conference in the European Parliament in Brussels; the second, an evaluation of the EU’s human rights policies and engagement in Central Asia that was presented in the Human Rights Committee of the European Parliament in March 2014; and the third, an in-depth analyses on the implementation and review of the EU Strategy for Central Asia which was also presented in the European Parliament (November 2015, published 2016). The last study was part of FRIDE’s participation in a consortium with PASOS, CASE and SIPRI in delivering advice to the European Parliament on EU enlargement, Eastern Neighbourhood, Russia and Central Asia. EUCAM remains involved in this consortium.


EUCAM II (completed)

The EUCAM-II project (2010-2015) was a continuation of the EUCAM I project (2008-2010) managed by FRIDE. EUCAM broadened its scope from strictly monitoring the EU strategy for Central Asia to assessing broader European policies that included activities by non-EU member states as well as the OSCE and NATO. In doing so EUCAM looked at a variety of issues and themes such as: political, economic and social processes; democracy and human rights; security, energy, and international assistance. EUCAM-II was supported by the Open Society Foundations.


EUCAM SD (completed)

The 2011-2013 EUCAM-Security and Development (SD) project focused on the link between security challenges in the Central Asian region and the need for development in the broadest sense, including governance, poverty reduction, ethnic tension and social equality. For the EUCAM-SD project FRIDE and the Karelian Institute of the University of Eastern Finland produced a series of in-depth working papers/reports that offered new insights and creative thinking on Europe’s role in promoting security and development in Central Asia. The project also foresaw in a series of public events in Europe and Central Asia. EUCAM-SD was supported by the Wider Europe Initiative of the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

EUCAM I (completed)

EUCAM started out as a project implemented by FRIDE and CEPS in September 2008. EUCAM I was supported by the Open Society Institute, the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, the Czech Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the United Kingdom Foreign and Commonwealth Office. The project was concluded with an extensive report, Into Eurasia (Michael Emerson and Jos Boonstra) in 2010.