European National Policies Series – The Baltic sates and Central Asia
After a long period of minimal contact given their different political and economic choices after the collapse of the Soviet...
After a long period of minimal contact given their different political and economic choices after the collapse of the Soviet...
Over the past 20 years, developments in Central Asia’s education system have been mixed. The private education sector has been...
В течение последних 20 лет изменения в образовательной системе Центральной Азии носили неоднозначный характер. Сектор частного образования, в особенности в...
The 2007 EU Strategy for Central Asia stresses security and stability through regional cooperation and integration, poverty reduction and good...
В Стратегии Евросоюза по Центральной Азии особо отмечены безопасность и стабильность на основе регионального сотрудничества, борьбы с бедностью и оздоровлении...
Every leader, whether authoritarian or democratic, would agree that the rule of law is needed in managing a state. They...
Finland’s cooperation with Central Asian states is mostly based on development assistance, but diplomatic and economic ties are increasing. Several...
France’s presence in Central Asia consists of a network of cultural centres that foster French language and culture, combined with...
Most former Soviet republics began to consider police reform in the 2000s, over a decade after the Soviet Union’s collapse....
Большинство стран бывшего Советского Союза заинтересовались проведением реформ правоохранительных органов в 2000-х годах, спустя десять лет после распада СССР. К...
Central Asia holds a complicated place in Spanish foreign policy. Considering Spain’s low profile both in Asia and Eastern Europe,...
Portuguese relations with Central Asia are naturally perceived as marginal. Although bilateral relations have developed since the mid 2000s, Portugal...