Nushofarin Noziri

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  • Labour migration
  • Human trafficking
  • Violent extremism
  • Gender

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My name is Nushofarin Noziri. I am from Tajikistan, working at the International Organization for Migration (IOM). In 2013, I graduated from the Herbert H. Lehman College in New York in Business Administration with a specialization in finance. In 2016, I earned my Masters in Gender and International Relations from the University of Bristol as a Chevening scholar, sponsored by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. In 2014, I joined the Migrant Assistance Unit of IOM. Prior to that, I interned for Congressman Engel, and worked for American Councils (ACCELS) in Tajikistan. Now, in my work with IOM I focus on labour migration, countering human trafficking and preventing violent extremism.

As a research fellow at EUCAM, I will be concentrating on the EU’s position and involvement in countering the negative consequences of labour migration in Tajikistan. Due to the high number of returning Tajik labour migrants from Russia, programmes for establishing small income generating businesses can provide direct support and economic stability to migrants and their communities. As such, I will study how the EU can effectively assist returning migrants through job creation programmes.

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