On the margins of international attention: Tajikistan’s security challenges and causes of instability


On 21 September the Permanent Representation of Finland to the European Union in cooperation with EUCAM hosted a round-table. The main focus was on the security challenges and causes of instability in Tajikistan. Main speaker, Marlene Laruelle, EUCAM researcher and director of the Central Asia Program at George Washington University, highlighted the internal and external security challenges of Tajikistan.

The international community tends to look at Tajikistan through an Afghanistan prism that includes drawdown of ISAF forces and potential spill-over effects that might impact on Tajikistan. But meanwhile Tajikistan faces multiple internal insecurity challenges, ranging from state fragility, poverty, home grown islamisation and potential of inter-state conflict.

The round-table was attended by representatives of member states from the Council Working Party on Eastern Europe and Central Asia (COEST), as well as European External Action Service (EEAS) officials and a few civil society experts.

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