Kazakhstan and Europe: Linking security and stability to democratic development


EUCAM and KIMEP University joined forces to organise the seminar Kazakhstan and Europe: Linking Security and Stability to Democratic Development in Almaty on 11 May. The event was part of the EUCAM-SD project funded through the Wider Europe Initiative of Finland’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and gathered over 40 participants from policy, expert and academic communities.

The Ambassadors of the EU, Germany and Finland participated joined into the discussions on EU-Kazakhstan relations, regional security and democratic development. Two matters stood out in the debate: Is the 750 million of EU funds (2007-13) small funding if it is divided over seven years and five countries or is it more substantial if spend wisely on tangible development aspects.

The second matter was Kazakhstan’s (lack of) progress in democratic development where participants refused to abide to the seminar’s time schedule and continued debating into the early evening.

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