A Chat in the Yurt, discussing Central Asia and Europe – Episode VIII, Uyghur Culture


Episode VIII – Uyghur Culture

In this eight episode, host Yelena Kilina (EUCAM communications associate) meets with Sonya Imin, researcher at the Maison des Sciences Humaines of the Université libre de Bruxelles (MSH-ULB) and member of the project Remote XUAR: Remote Ethnography of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, funded by the EU. Together they discuss the recently published Contemporary Uyghur Anthology: Under the Mulberry Tree; a book of art and literature by the Uyghur diaspora. How do Uyghurs preserve their culture and identity while living in exile? What narratives are being addressed through Uyghur creative arts? An important conversation within the scope of EUCAM as the Uyghur diaspora is part of European and Central Asian societies.  


Step into our Yurt and join us for a monthly conversation on Europe-Central Asia developments. In this series of podcasts, we welcome guests from both regions to discuss exciting new research and the latest developments in Europe and Central Asia. What is happening in Europe that Central Asians should know about? What events are unfolding in Central Asia that Europeans should understand? Together, we discuss society trends, political developments, economic turns, and cultural highlights while assessing the past and looking ahead to what may unfold.



Join EUCAM in the Yurt via SoundCloudSpotify and Google Podcasts and be part by posing questions and sharing your thoughts on our social media: FacebookTwitter, and LinkedIn. EUCAM is a programme of the Centre for European Security Studies (CESS), the Netherlands.

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