Nargis Kasenova

Associate Professor, Department of International Relations and Regional Studies and Director of the Central Asian Studies Center (CASC), KIMEP University, Almaty. Her areas of research include Central Asian politics and security, Eurasian geopolitics, energy security, and Kazakhstan’s foreign policy. Among her recent publications are: ‘Kazakhstan’s Policy Toward Afghanistan: Context, Drivers and Outcomes’ in Afghanistan and Its Neighbours After the NATO Withdrawal, edited by Christian Bleuer, (2016); and ‘The EU Strategy for Central Asia: Imperatives and Opportunities for Change. A View from Kazakhstan’, Friedrich Ebert Foundation, EU Papers (September 2015). She holds an MA and PhD in Political Science from Nagoya University, Japan. She is also a member of the Academic Council of the European Neighbourhood Council (ENC).

Последствия мирового экономического кризиса для Центральной Азии

Экономика и политика тесно взаимосвязаны. Сильная экономика стимулирует амбициозные политические действия и программы. С другой стороны, экономический спад и рецессия...

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