The impact of the global economic crisis on Central Asia and its implications for the EU engagement
There is a profound connection between economics and politics. A stronger economy creates a basis for more ambitious political actions...
There is a profound connection between economics and politics. A stronger economy creates a basis for more ambitious political actions...
Экономика и политика тесно взаимосвязаны. Сильная экономика стимулирует амбициозные политические действия и программы. С другой стороны, экономический спад и рецессия...
С начала 2000-х годов, Китайская Народная Республика (КНР) стала особенно важным игроком на центральноазиатской арене, которая до тех пор оставалась...
Since the start of the 2000s, the China has become an increasingly important player on the Central Asian scene, which...
Russia is a power unlike others in Central Asia, given its role as the region's former coloniser, which started in...
Россия занимает особое место в центрально-азиатском регионе из-за своей роли бывшего колонизатора, длившейся с 19 века, а для некоторых северных...
Forging links between European civil society organisations and their counterparts in Central Asia is no easy task. Delivering on EU...
The EU-Kazakhstan and EUTajikistan civil society seminars on the themes of the judiciary and detention organised at the end of...
As the world considers how best to regulate the ‘virtual reality’ of online information exchange and communication, Kazakhstan has taken...
As expected, Kurmanbek Bakiev won the presidential election held on July 23rd in Kyrgyzstan by a huge margin. The current...
Introduction The EU’s Rule of Law Initiative is one of three EU regional projects in Central Asia,1 first set out...
Введение Инициатива ЕС «Верховенство закона» является одной из трех подобных инициатив(1), она была впервые изложена в Стратегии ЕС по Центральной...